Case Study
Over the time we were doing this case study, I learned a lot. It truly showed me how much people care about the idea of being sustainable. Not only that, but it shows that it is something that is actually focused on. People all over the country, world in fact, are putting sustainability as one of their top priorities. Personally, it should be at the top or people’s lists. I think that sustainability is one that is a major factor to the fight against climate change. If everyone thinks sustainably, and acts in a way that shows concern for the environment, there is a really good chance that a change will be made. In our study, the idea of encouraging people to use sustainable vehicles is a good step towards limiting carbon emissions as much as we can. Cars and vehicles in general are major factors in the amount of carbon emissions we see in the atmosphere. It may be a small change but even 10 sustainable cars on campus can make a change and spark other people to do the same thing.
Ah-ha Moment
My ah-ha moment for this case study was that more schools are not doing the same thing. Sustainability is important to almost every school in the country. There have been certain plans put out at most schools to try and encourage a more sustainable environment on campus, but some seem to be overlooked or disregarded. I am surprised that schools are not modeling themselves after UMD, the school we focused on in our case study. The idea or encouraging students to be more sustainable is something that should be a regular practice at every school. I never understood how some schools aren’t doing it simply because of that fact that students take up the most of the school and are responsible for most of the sustainability problems we see. This might be an ah-ha for many people and it makes perfect sense. Why are we not doing something about the problems we are creating on this planet, and more specifically our campuses. All it takes is one person to make a change.
The Rough Draft
I think I learned a lot when we began the final project. It was very interesting to see all of the aspects that went into creating a project proposal. It was truly surprising to be honest. I would say that one of the hardest questions for me to answer was the goals and objectives section. I found it challenging to include the proper goals and objectives without making it to lengthy. I wanted to make it somewhat short and concise so it was appealing to those who planned to read it. That was the only one that I felt I had a hard time with. I understood the reasoning for all of the other questions and I felt that it was clear what they wanted from us. I know that some of these were really important to our project specifically. I felt that stakeholders were important to consider and that the price of everything was a big factor. Price has a massive input on just about everything and it was important for us to provide an accurate gist of what it will cost. I felt that if we didn’t provide the best information we could find and the best prices we could find, there is a chance that something would have been disregarded. I felt that every other question was quite easy to understand and provide information on. The more information, the better.
After the rough draft…
After I received feedback for the rough draft I definitely knew I had some work to do. I knew what I was supposed to do during the project description and completely blanked it. I was supposed to describe the incentive, which I planned on and completely forgot. Typos were somewhat that were not generous to me. I had a lot, which is uncharacteristic for me usually. Most of what I saw were simple errors, such as spelling, grammar, and sentences that could be worded better. I also put in a few things here and there that were not needed. I felt as if I had a pretty good grasp on what needed to be done but simply just wrote them the wrong way. I think my detail was decent for the most part but there definitely were spots where I could have added more. I think once I go back and look over what could be done better, I will have an even better sense of what they are looking for.
Another part I could have done better on was linking our proposal to the case study. I needed to refer back to it to make it a more informational. It was especially evident in the examples section. This was something that I didn’t realize I needed to be doing and I am glad that professor Cariddi pointed out so I can properly finish this the way it needs to be done. I don’t think I need to have an assistance with this now that I know what I need to do better. Other than those couple more major things, I need to focus a lot on wording and how well I structure my sentences to ensure that it is the most professional it can be.
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